Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "l"
- 6flx :
- X-Rated movie (sex flick)
- alol :
- actually laughing out loud
- asln :
- age, sex, location, name
- aslo :
- age sex location orientation
- aslop :
- Age Sex Location Orientation Picture
- aslp :
- age, sex, location, picture
- aslrp :
- age, sex, location, race, picture
- bdfl :
- Benevolent Dictator For Life
- bilf :
- brother i'd like to f**k
- BWL :
- Bursting with laughter
- cpl :
- Cyber Athlete Professional League
- cylor :
- check your local orhtodox rabbi
- dltbgud :
- don't let the b*****ds grind you down
- efffl :
- extra friendly friends for life
- eil :
- explode into laughter
- eleo :
- Extremely Low Earth Orbit
- eli5 :
- explain it like I'm five
- etla :
- extended three letter acronym
- eula :
- end user license agreement
- ffcl :
- falling from chair laughing
- focl :
- Falling Off Chair Laughing.
- fofl :
- fall on the floor laughing
- fubalm :
- f**ked up beyond all local maintenance
- gilf :
- Grandma I'd like to f**k
- glbt :
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgenderd
- gmilf :
- grandmother i'd like to f**k
- gnstdltbbb :
- good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite
- hlb :
- horny little b*****d
- ilbw :
- Instagram loving b***h wife
- ilotibinlirl :
- I'm laughing on the internet, but I'm not laughing in real life
- iyflg :
- If You're Feeling Less Generous
- jflts :
- just felt like typing something
- jklol :
- Just Kidding Laughing Out Loud
- kml :
- Killing Myself Laughing
- kmswl :
- killing myself with laughter
- lawl :
- lauging out loud with a southern drawl
- lawls :
- laughing out loud with a southern drawl
- lawlz :
- laughing out loud with a southern drawl
- Lbs :
- Laughing but serious
- lbvs :
- laughing but very serious
- lcsnpc :
- low cost small notebook personal computer
- ldr :
- Long-distance relationship
- lfnar :
- laughing for no aparent reason
- lgb :
- lesbian/gay/bisexual
- lgbtq :
- Lesbien, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer.
- lgf :
- little green footballs
- Let’s Go Get Some Food
- llol :
- literally laughing out loud
- lltnt :
- live like theres no tomorrow
- lmamf :
- leave me alone mother f**ker
- lmaorof :
- Laughing my Ass off Rolling on the floor
- lmaorotf :
- laughing my ass off rolling on the floor
- lmaowrotf :
- Laughing my ass of while rolling on the floor
- lmaowtntpm :
- laughing my ass off whilst trying not to piss myself
- lmaoxh :
- laughing my ass off extremely hard
- lmfaorotg :
- laugh my f**king ass off rolling off the ground
- lmffo :
- Laughing my f**king face off
- lmfho :
- laughing my f**king head off
- lmfpo :
- laughing my f**king p***y off
- lmmfao :
- laughing my mother f**king ass off
- lmmfaos :
- laughing my mother f**king ass off silly
- lmmffao :
- laughing my mother f**king fat ass off
- lobfl :
- Laugh Out Bloody f**king Loud
- loi :
- laughing on the inside
- lolarotf :
- laughing out loud and rolling on the floor
- lolbs :
- laugh out loud but seriously
- Lolbvs :
- Laughing out loud but very serious
- lolci :
- laughing out loud, crying inside
- lolmao :
- laughing out loud laugh my ass off
- lolngs :
- laghing out loud never gonna stop
- lolpimp :
- Laughing out loud peeing in my pants
- lolrof :
- Laughing out loud while rolling on the floor.
- lolrotf :
- laughing out loud rolling on the floor
- lorrl :
- laugh out really really loud
- lpiaw :
- Large Penis is always welcome
- lq2m :
- laughing quietly to myself
- lqts :
- laughing quietly to self
- lrfl :
- Laughing really f**king loud
- lrh :
- laughing really hard
- lrqtms :
- laughing really quietly to myself
- lug :
- lesbian until graduation
- lyfao :
- laughing your f**king ass off
- mflfs :
- married female looking for sex
- mlm :
- multi level marketer
- mlod :
- mega laugh out loud of doom
- mypl :
- my young padawan learner
- nggyunglyd :
- Never Gonna Give You Up Never Gonna Let You Down
- Nlf :
- Nobody lives forever
- omfl :
- oh my f**king internet connection is slow
- otflmfao :
- On the floor laughing my f**king ass off
- pimpl :
- pissing in my pants laughing
- pirlos :
- parent in room looking over shoulder
- plac :
- parent looking at computer
- plams :
- parents looking at my screen
- platcs :
- parent looking at the computer screen
- plomb :
- parents looking over my back
- ploms :
- parent looking over my shoulder
- plos :
- Parents Looking Over Shoulder
- pmfsl :
- piss my f**king self laughing
- pml :
- pissing myself laughing
- pmsfl :
- Pissed Myself f**king Laughing
- pnhlgd :
- parents not home, let's get dirty
- qltm :
- quietly laughing to myself
- raoflmao :
- rolling around on floor laughing my ass off
- refl :
- rolling on the floor laughing
- retrotextual :
- One who is using out of date words and abbreviations while texting.
- rflmao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- ricl :
- rolling in chair laughing
- rofalol :
- roll on the floor and laugh out loud
- rofflmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass
- rofl :
- rolling on the floor laughing
- rofl&pmp :
- rolling on floor laughing and peeing my pants
- roflao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- roflastc :
- Rolling On Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat
- roflkmd :
- rolling on the floor laughing kicking my dog
- rofllh :
- rolling on the floor laughing like hell
- roflmao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- roflmaoapimp :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off and peeing in my pants
- roflmaool :
- Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud
- Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off Peeing In My Pants
- roflmaopmp :
- rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off, pissing my pants
- roflmaouts :
- Rolling on floor laughing my f**king ass off unable to speak
- roflmaowpimp :
- rolling on floor laughing my ass off while peeing in my pants
- roflmbfao :
- Rolling On Floor Laughing My Big Fat Ass Off
- roflmbo :
- rolling on floor laughing my butt off
- roflmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off
- roflmfaopimp :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off pissing in my pants
- roflmfaopmp :
- rolling on flor laughing my f**king ass of peeing my pants
- roflmgao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my gay ass off
- roflmgdao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my god damn ass off
- roflmgdmfao :
- roling on floor laughing my god damn mother f**king ass off
- roflmgo :
- Rolling On Floor Laughing My Guts Out
- roflmho :
- Rolling on the floor laughing my head off
- roflmiaha :
- Rolling on the floor laughing myself into a heart attack
- roflmmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my mother f**king ass off
- roflol :
- rolling on floor laughing out loud
- roflolbag :
- Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud Busting A Gut
- roflpimp :
- rolling on the floor laughing pissing in my pants
- roflpmp :
- rolling on the floor laughing peeing my pants
- roflwtime :
- Rolling on the Floor laughing with tears in my eyes
- rofpml :
- rolling on the floor pissing myself laughing
- rofwl :
- Rolling on the floor while laughing
- rogl :
- rolling on ground laughing
- roglmfao :
- rolling on ground laughing my f**king ass off
- rol :
- rolling over laugihng
- rolmao :
- Rolling Over Laughing My Ass Off
- rolmfao :
- rolling over laughing my f**king ass off
- rotffl :
- roll on the f**king floor laughing
- rotfflmao :
- rolling on the f**king floor laughing my ass off
- rotfflmfao :
- rolling on the f**king floor laughing my f**king ass off
- rotfl :
- rolling on the floor laughing
- rotflaviab :
- rolling on the floor laughing and vomiting in a bucket
- rotflmao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- rotflmaofaktd :
- Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off farted and killed the dog
- rotflmaool :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud
- rotflmaostc :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off scaring the cat
- rotflmbo :
- rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
- rotflmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off
- rotflmfaopimp :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off peeing in my pants
- rotflmfaopmp :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off pissin my pants
- rotflmfho :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king head off
- rotflmho :
- rolling on the floor laughing my head off
- rotflmmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my mother f**king ass off
- rotflol :
- rolling on the floor laughing out loud
- rotfwlmao :
- rolling on the floor while laughing my ass off
- rotglmao :
- rolling on the ground laughing my ass off
- sblai :
- stop babbaling like an idiot
- sdlc :
- Software Development Life Cycle
- sicl :
- sitting in chair laughing
- simcl :
- sitting in my chair laughing
- slgb :
- Straight/Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual
- slos :
- someone looking over shoulder
- ssl :
- secure sockets layer
- sydlm :
- Shut your dirty little mouth
- tilf :
- Teenager I'd Like To f**k
- tla :
- Three Letter Acronym
- tliwwv :
- this link is worthless without video
- tnlnsl :
- Took nothing left nothing signed log
- tolol :
- thinking of laughing out loud
- troll :
- person who diliberately stirs up trouble
- ulbom :
- you looked better on myspace
- url :
- Uniform Resource Locator
- wlos :
- wife looking over Shoulder
- wylym :
- Watch Your Language Young Man
- wysitwirl :
- what you see is totally worthless in real life
- yhbtyhlhand :
- you have been trolled; you have lost; have a nice day.
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