Definition & Meaning of "LMAO"

What does lmao mean? View the definition of lmao and all related slang terms containing lmao below:

lmao :
laughing my ass off

Usage of LMAO

The abbreviation LMAO is a commonly used abbreviation in texting and other online conversations. It stands for the phrase 'laughing my ass off', which is used to express extreme amusement or humor over something that has been said or shared. People use LMAO to indicate that they find something so funny that it's causing them to laugh hysterically, or to express that they appreciate a good joke or entertaining story. It's a popular way of communicating humor and provides a quick and efficient way of expressing one's reaction to something funny.

Examples of LMAO used in texting:

1. Friend 1: "Did you hear what happened to me today? I accidentally wore two different shoes to work!"
Friend 2: "LMAO, that's hilarious!"

2. Person A: "I just watched a video of a cat trying to catch its own tail and falling over. I can't stop laughing!"
Person B: "LMAO, those kinds of videos always get me!"

3. Family member: "I found some old photos of you from when you were a baby. You were so chubby!"
You: "Haha, I can't wait to see them! LMAO, I bet I looked like a little Michelin man."

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "lmao"

lmao :
laughing my ass off
lmaol :
laughing my ass out loud
lmaomtoaoa :
Laugh my ass off many times over and over again
lmaonade :
laughing my ass off
lmaool :
laughing my ass off out loud
lmaootf :
Laughing my ass off on the floor
lmaorof :
Laughing my Ass off Rolling on the floor
lmaorotf :
laughing my ass off rolling on the floor
lmaowrotf :
Laughing my ass of while rolling on the floor
lmaowtntpm :
laughing my ass off whilst trying not to piss myself
lmaoxh :
laughing my ass off extremely hard
loflmao :
laying on floor laughing my ass off
lolmao :
laughing out loud laugh my ass off
omgroflmao :
oh my god roll on the floor laughing my ass off
otflmao :
On the floor laughing my ass off
raoflmao :
rolling around on floor laughing my ass off
rflmao :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
roflmao :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
roflmaoapimp :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off and peeing in my pants
roflmaool :
Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud
Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off Peeing In My Pants
roflmaopmp :
rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off, pissing my pants
roflmaouts :
Rolling on floor laughing my f**king ass off unable to speak
roflmaowpimp :
rolling on floor laughing my ass off while peeing in my pants
rolmao :
Rolling Over Laughing My Ass Off
rotfflmao :
rolling on the f**king floor laughing my ass off
rotflmao :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
rotflmaofaktd :
Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off farted and killed the dog
rotflmaool :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud
rotflmaostc :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off scaring the cat
rotfwlmao :
rolling on the floor while laughing my ass off
rotglmao :
rolling on the ground laughing my ass off
simclmao :
sitting in my chair laughing my ass off

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