Definition & Meaning of "GLWT"

What does glwt mean? View the definition of glwt and all related slang terms containing glwt below:

glwt :
good luck with that

Usage of GLWT

The abbreviation GLWT stands for 'good luck with that' and is often used as a dismissive response to someone's request that seems impossible or unlikely to happen. It is used to convey sarcasm or a lack of belief in the person's ability to achieve their goal. It can also be used as a polite way of saying "I am not interested in helping you". It is commonly used in texting due to the limited space available for typing.

Examples of GLWT used in texting:

1. Person 1: "Hey, I'm thinking of climbing Mount Everest next week"
Person 2: "GLWT".

2. Person 1: "I'm going to ask my boss for a raise"
Person 2: "GLWT".

3. Person 1: "I'm going to try to win the lottery"
Person 2: "GLWT".

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "glwt"

glwt :
good luck with that

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