Definition & Meaning of "LOLM"

What does lolm mean? View the definition of lolm and all related slang terms containing lolm below:

lolm :
laugh out loud man

Usage of LOLM

The abbreviation LOLM is often used in texting as a way to express laughter in response to something funny. It stands for 'laugh out loud man' and is commonly used amongst younger generations. This abbreviation is an abbreviation that saves time when typing and fits well in casual conversations with friends.

Examples of LOLM used in texting:
1) Friend 1: "Did you see that video I sent you?"
Friend 2: "LOLM yes, that was hilarious!"

2) Person A: "I just fell off my bike"
Person B: "LOLM, are you okay?"

3) Friend 1: "I can't believe I just won the lottery"
Friend 2: "LOLM, you are so lucky!"

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "lolm"

lolm :
laugh out loud man
lolmao :
laughing out loud laugh my ass off

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