Definition & Meaning of "DLN"

What does dln mean? View the definition of dln and all related slang terms containing dln below:

dln :
don't look now

Usage of DLN

DLN stands for 'don't look now', which is a phrase used to signal someone to stop looking in a certain direction. It could be used in a situation where you don't want someone to look at something or someone because it would be embarrassing for them. Here are some examples of how DLN could be used in text messages:

1. "DLN! That guy over there is checking you out!"
2. "Can you grab that for me? DLN! I don't want them to see me!"
3. "You're going to be in big trouble when mom finds out. DLN!"

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "dln"

dln :
don't look now

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