Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "r"
- asarbambtaa :
- All submissions are reviewed by a moderator before they are added.
- aslrp :
- age, sex, location, race, picture
- brbmpawoms :
- be right back my parents are watching over my shoulder
- brbn2gbr :
- Be right back, I need to go to the bathroom
- bubar :
- bushed up beyond all recognition
- crm :
- customer relationship management
- crunk :
- combination of crazy and drunk
- cylor :
- check your local orhtodox rabbi
- dbeyr :
- don't believe everything you read
- ddr :
- dance dance revolution
- dnrtfa :
- did not read the f**king article
- DPRK :
- Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- ffr :
- for future reference
- fnpr :
- for no particular reason
- foobar :
- f**ked up beyond all recognition
- fubar :
- f**ked up beyond all recognition
- fubr :
- f**ked Up Beyond Recognition
- gdr :
- grinning, ducking, running
- gyabitmfhrn :
- get your ass back in the mother f**king house right now
- gyabitmfhrnbibya :
- get your ass back in the mother f**king house right now before i beat your ass
- gyaitmfhrn :
- get your ass in the mother f**king house right now
- gyaitmfhrnbibya :
- get your ass in the mother f**king house right now before i beat your ass
- hangry :
- hungry and angry at the same time
- idkwurta :
- I don't know what you are talking about.
- ilotibinlirl :
- I'm laughing on the internet, but I'm not laughing in real life
- imnerho :
- In my not even remotely humble opinion
- ircd :
- Internet Relay Chat daemon
- ircx :
- Internet Relay Chat eXtension
- ldr :
- Long-distance relationship
- lfnar :
- laughing for no aparent reason
- lmaorof :
- Laughing my Ass off Rolling on the floor
- lmaorotf :
- laughing my ass off rolling on the floor
- lmaowrotf :
- Laughing my ass of while rolling on the floor
- lmfaorotg :
- laugh my f**king ass off rolling off the ground
- lolarotf :
- laughing out loud and rolling on the floor
- lolrof :
- Laughing out loud while rolling on the floor.
- lolrotf :
- laughing out loud rolling on the floor
- lorrl :
- laugh out really really loud
- lrfl :
- Laughing really f**king loud
- lrh :
- laughing really hard
- lrqtms :
- laughing really quietly to myself
- mmorpg :
- massively multiplayer online role playing game
- mrau :
- message received and understood
- nrn :
- No Response Necessary
- orpg :
- online role playing game
- pirlos :
- parent in room looking over shoulder
- posmbri :
- parent over shoulder might be reading it
- prw :
- parents are watching
- qpr :
- quite pathetic really
- NRA :
- National Rifle Association
- raoflmao :
- rolling around on floor laughing my ass off
- refl :
- rolling on the floor laughing
- retrotextual :
- One who is using out of date words and abbreviations while texting.
- rff :
- really f**king funny
- rflmao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- ricl :
- rolling in chair laughing
- rifk :
- rolling on the floor laughing
- rng :
- random number generator
- rofalol :
- roll on the floor and laugh out loud
- rofflmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass
- rofl :
- rolling on the floor laughing
- rofl&pmp :
- rolling on floor laughing and peeing my pants
- roflao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- roflastc :
- Rolling On Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat
- roflkmd :
- rolling on the floor laughing kicking my dog
- rofllh :
- rolling on the floor laughing like hell
- roflmao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- roflmaoapimp :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off and peeing in my pants
- roflmaool :
- Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud
- Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off Peeing In My Pants
- roflmaopmp :
- rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off, pissing my pants
- roflmaouts :
- Rolling on floor laughing my f**king ass off unable to speak
- roflmaowpimp :
- rolling on floor laughing my ass off while peeing in my pants
- roflmbfao :
- Rolling On Floor Laughing My Big Fat Ass Off
- roflmbo :
- rolling on floor laughing my butt off
- roflmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off
- roflmfaopimp :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off pissing in my pants
- roflmfaopmp :
- rolling on flor laughing my f**king ass of peeing my pants
- roflmgao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my gay ass off
- roflmgdao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my god damn ass off
- roflmgdmfao :
- roling on floor laughing my god damn mother f**king ass off
- roflmgo :
- Rolling On Floor Laughing My Guts Out
- roflmho :
- Rolling on the floor laughing my head off
- roflmiaha :
- Rolling on the floor laughing myself into a heart attack
- roflmmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my mother f**king ass off
- roflol :
- rolling on floor laughing out loud
- roflolbag :
- Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud Busting A Gut
- roflpimp :
- rolling on the floor laughing pissing in my pants
- roflpmp :
- rolling on the floor laughing peeing my pants
- roflwtime :
- Rolling on the Floor laughing with tears in my eyes
- rofpml :
- rolling on the floor pissing myself laughing
- rofwl :
- Rolling on the floor while laughing
- rogl :
- rolling on ground laughing
- roglmfao :
- rolling on ground laughing my f**king ass off
- roi :
- Return On Investment
- rol :
- rolling over laugihng
- rolmao :
- Rolling Over Laughing My Ass Off
- rolmfao :
- rolling over laughing my f**king ass off
- rotffl :
- roll on the f**king floor laughing
- rotfflmao :
- rolling on the f**king floor laughing my ass off
- rotfflmfao :
- rolling on the f**king floor laughing my f**king ass off
- rotfl :
- rolling on the floor laughing
- rotflaviab :
- rolling on the floor laughing and vomiting in a bucket
- rotflmao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
- rotflmaofaktd :
- Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off farted and killed the dog
- rotflmaool :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud
- rotflmaostc :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off scaring the cat
- rotflmbo :
- rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
- rotflmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off
- rotflmfaopimp :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off peeing in my pants
- rotflmfaopmp :
- rolling on the floor laughing my ass off pissin my pants
- rotflmfho :
- rolling on the floor laughing my f**king head off
- rotflmho :
- rolling on the floor laughing my head off
- rotflmmfao :
- rolling on the floor laughing my mother f**king ass off
- rotflol :
- rolling on the floor laughing out loud
- rotfpm :
- rolling on the floor pissing myself
- rotfwlmao :
- rolling on the floor while laughing my ass off
- rotglmao :
- rolling on the ground laughing my ass off
- rsps :
- Runescape Private Server
- rtbq :
- Read The Blinking Question
- rtfa :
- read the f**king article
- rtfmfm :
- read the f**king manual f**king moron
- rtfmm :
- read the f**king manual moron
- rtfms :
- Read The f**king Manual Stupid
- rtfq :
- Read The f**king Question
- rtfs :
- read the f**king summary
- scnr :
- sorry, I couldn't resist
- serp :
- search engine results page
- snafubar :
- Situation Normal All f**ked Up Beyond Any Recognition
- troll :
- person who diliberately stirs up trouble
- ttrf :
- That's the rules, f**ker
- url :
- Uniform Resource Locator
- ussr :
- The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- wysitwirl :
- what you see is totally worthless in real life
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