Definition & Meaning of "TTMRN"

What does ttmrn mean? View the definition of ttmrn and all related slang terms containing ttmrn below:

ttmrn :
talk to me right now

Usage of TTMRN

The abbreviation TTMRN stands for 'talk to me right now.' This phrase is commonly used when someone wants to urgently communicate with another person and is seeking immediate attention or a response. People use TTMRN to express a sense of urgency or impatience in their need for communication.

Examples of TTMRN used in texting:

1. Hey, I need to tell you something important! TTMRN, please.
2. Are you free to chat? TTMRN, it's urgent.
3. Just had the craziest day, need to vent. Can you talk? TTMRN

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ttmrn"

ttmrn :
talk to me right now

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