Definition & Meaning of "RO"

What does ro mean? View the definition of ro and all related slang terms containing ro below:

ro :
rock out

Usage of RO

The abbreviation "RO" is a shorthand way of saying "rock out." This expression is often used to encourage someone to have a good time, let loose, and enjoy themselves, especially in the context of music or dance. It can also be used as an exclamation of excitement or enthusiasm. In text messaging, using "RO" can save time and space when expressing these sentiments.

Examples of "RO" used in texting:

1. Hey, are you coming to the concert tonight? It's going to be epic! RO!
2. Just got my party playlist set up for tonight. Ready to RO with you all!
3. Can't wait to hit the dance floor and RO all night long. Let's go!

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ro"

2maro :
2moro :
2morow :
2morro :
2morrow :
2mro :
bro :
bros :
broseph :
brover :
chronic :
drood :
f**k Right Off
Frong :
For real on god
grog :
lmaorof :
Laughing my Ass off Rolling on the floor
lmaorotf :
laughing my ass off rolling on the floor
lmaowrotf :
Laughing my ass of while rolling on the floor
lmfaorotg :
laugh my f**king ass off rolling off the ground
lolarotf :
laughing out loud and rolling on the floor
lolrof :
Laughing out loud while rolling on the floor.
lolrotf :
laughing out loud rolling on the floor
moro :
no pro :
no problem
omgroflmao :
oh my god roll on the floor laughing my ass off
pro :
prob :
probly :
Probs :
probz :
prod :
prolly :
prollz :
promos :
pron :
retrotextual :
One who is using out of date words and abbreviations while texting.
ro :
rock out
rockr :
rodger :
rofalol :
roll on the floor and laugh out loud
rofc :
Rolling On Floor Crying
roffle :
rolling on the floor laughing
roffle out loud :
rolling on the floor laughing out loud
rofflecake :
rolling on the floor laughing
rofflecopters :
rolling on the floor with laughter
roffleol :
rolling on the floor laughing out loud
roffles :
rolling on floor laughing
rofflmfao :
rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass
rofl :
rolling on the floor laughing
rofl&pmp :
rolling on floor laughing and peeing my pants
roflao :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
roflastc :
Rolling On Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat
roflcopter :
Rolling on the floor laughing
roflcopters :
rolling on the floor laughing, VERY funny.
roflkmd :
rolling on the floor laughing kicking my dog
rofllh :
rolling on the floor laughing like hell
roflmao :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
roflmaoapimp :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off and peeing in my pants
roflmaool :
Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud
Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off Peeing In My Pants
roflmaopmp :
rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off, pissing my pants
roflmaouts :
Rolling on floor laughing my f**king ass off unable to speak
roflmaowpimp :
rolling on floor laughing my ass off while peeing in my pants
roflmbfao :
Rolling On Floor Laughing My Big Fat Ass Off
roflmbo :
rolling on floor laughing my butt off
roflmfao :
rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off
roflmfaopimp :
rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off pissing in my pants
roflmfaopmp :
rolling on flor laughing my f**king ass of peeing my pants
roflmgao :
rolling on the floor laughing my gay ass off
roflmgdao :
rolling on the floor laughing my god damn ass off
roflmgdmfao :
roling on floor laughing my god damn mother f**king ass off
roflmgo :
Rolling On Floor Laughing My Guts Out
roflmho :
Rolling on the floor laughing my head off
roflmiaha :
Rolling on the floor laughing myself into a heart attack
roflmmfao :
rolling on the floor laughing my mother f**king ass off
roflol :
rolling on floor laughing out loud
roflolbag :
Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud Busting A Gut
roflpimp :
rolling on the floor laughing pissing in my pants
roflpmp :
rolling on the floor laughing peeing my pants
roflwtime :
Rolling on the Floor laughing with tears in my eyes
rofpml :
rolling on the floor pissing myself laughing
rofwl :
Rolling on the floor while laughing
roger :
rogl :
rolling on ground laughing
roglmfao :
rolling on ground laughing my f**king ass off
roi :
Return On Investment
roids :
roj :
rol :
rolling over laugihng
rolmao :
Rolling Over Laughing My Ass Off
rolmfao :
rolling over laughing my f**king ass off
romalsh :
rolling on my ass laughing so hard
rombl :
rolled off my bed laughing
rong :
roofles :
rolling on the floor laughing
ror :
raughing out roud
rotf :
rolling on the floor
rotfalol :
roll on the floor and laugh out loud
rotffl :
roll on the f**king floor laughing
rotfflmao :
rolling on the f**king floor laughing my ass off
rotfflmfao :
rolling on the f**king floor laughing my f**king ass off
rotfl :
rolling on the floor laughing
rotflaviab :
rolling on the floor laughing and vomiting in a bucket
rotflmao :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
rotflmaofaktd :
Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off farted and killed the dog
rotflmaool :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off out loud
rotflmaostc :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off scaring the cat
rotflmbo :
rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
rotflmfao :
rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off
rotflmfaopimp :
rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off peeing in my pants
rotflmfaopmp :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off pissin my pants
rotflmfho :
rolling on the floor laughing my f**king head off
rotflmho :
rolling on the floor laughing my head off
rotflmmfao :
rolling on the floor laughing my mother f**king ass off
rotflol :
rolling on the floor laughing out loud
rotfpm :
rolling on the floor pissing myself
rotfwlmao :
rolling on the floor while laughing my ass off
rotg :
rolling on the ground
rotgl :
roll on the ground laughing
rotglmao :
rolling on the ground laughing my ass off
rotw :
rest of the world
rowyco :
rock out with your c**k out
rox :
sroucks :
that's cool, but it still sucks
tmoro :
tomoro :
troll :
person who diliberately stirs up trouble
xroads :

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