Internet & Text Slang Starting With L

Below is a list of internet slang and text slang terms or acronyms starting with the letter L. To view other internet slang or acronyms, click on another letter below or use the search box above.

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Click a Letter to See Corresponding Text Slang:

ilyt :
i love you too
ilyttmab :
i love you to the moon and back
L :
l0lz :
laugh out loud
l2 :
learn to
l2m :
listening to music
l2ms :
laughing to myself
l2p :
learn to play
l2r :
Learn to read
l337 :
l33t :
l4l :
like for like
l4m3rz :
l8 :
l84skool :
late for school
l8a :
l8er :
l8ers :
l8r :
see you later
l8rs :
l8rz :
l8s :
l8t :
l8ta :
l8ter :
l8tr :
l@u :
laughing at you
laff :
lafs :
love at first sight
lak :
love and kisses
lal :
laughing a little
lalol :
lots and lots of laughs
lam :
leave a message
lamf :
like a motherf**ker
lan :
local area network
lappy :
larp :
live action role-play
lasb :
Lame Ass Stupid b***h
lat :
laugh at that
lata :
lates :
latn :
laugh at the newbs
latr :
latwttb :
laughing all the way to the bank
lau :
laugh at you
lawd :
lawl :
lauging out loud with a southern drawl
lawl'd :
laughed out loud
lawled :
laughed out loud
lawls :
laughing out loud with a southern drawl
lawlz :
laughing out loud with a southern drawl
lazer :
lazor :
lbf :
lets be freinds
lbh :
let's be honest
lbnr :
laughing but not really
lbo :
laughing butt off
lbr :
little boy's room
Lbs :
Laughing but serious
lbvs :
laughing but very serious
lcsnpc :
low cost small notebook personal computer
ldr :
Long-distance relationship
ldt :
lets do this
lee7 :
leet :
legit :
leik :
leme :
let me
lemme :
let me
lesbo :
lez :
lezbean :
lezbo :
lezzzie :
lf :
looking for
lf1m :
Looking for one more
lf2m :
looking for 2 more
lfg :
Looking for group
lfl :
let's f**k later
lfm :
looking for mate
lfnar :
laughing for no aparent reason
lfp :
looking for p***y
lfr :
Laughing for real
lgb :
lgbnaf :
lets get butt naked and f**k
lgbtq :
Lesbien, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer.
lgds :
let's go do something
lgf :
little green footballs
lggd :
let's go get drunk
Let’s Go Get Some Food
lgn :
link goes nowhere
lgo :
life goes on
lgot :
let's go out tonight
lgr :
little girls room
lgs :
let's go shopping!
lgtm :
looks good to me
lhao :
laughing her ass off
Lhm :
lord, have mercy
lhs :
lets have sex
lhsrn :
let's have sex right now
lia :
life is awesome
liaoyb :
Like it's any of your business
lic :
like i care
liec :
like i even care
liek :
liekz :
lifo :
last in first out
ligad :
Like I give a damn
ligaff :
like I give a flying f**k
ligafs :
like I give a flying s**t
ligas :
like I give a s**t
lih :
Laugh in head
liita :
love is in the air
lik :
lil :
lim :
Like it Matters
limh :
laugh in my head
liol :
laugh insanely out loud
lirl :
laughing in real life
liu :
Look It Up
liv :
liyf :
laughing in your face
lj :
live journal
lk :
lke :
llab :
Laughing like a b***h.
llap :
live long and prosper
llc :
laughing like crazy
llf :
laugh like f**k
llh :
laughing like hell
llol :
literally laughing out loud
lltnt :
live like theres no tomorrow
lm4aq :
Let's meet for a quickie.
lma :
leave me alone
lmamf :
leave me alone mother f**ker
lmao :
laughing my ass off
lmaol :
laughing my ass out loud
lmaomtoaoa :
Laugh my ass off many times over and over again
lmaonade :
laughing my ass off
lmaool :
laughing my ass off out loud
lmaootf :
Laughing my ass off on the floor
lmaorof :
Laughing my Ass off Rolling on the floor
lmaorotf :
laughing my ass off rolling on the floor
lmaowrotf :
Laughing my ass of while rolling on the floor
lmaowtntpm :
laughing my ass off whilst trying not to piss myself
lmaoxh :
laughing my ass off extremely hard
lmap :
leave me alone please
lmb :
lick my balls
lmbao :
laughing my black ass off
lmbfwao :
laughing my big fat white ass off
lmbo :
laughing my butt off
lmcao :
laughing my crazy ass off
lmclao :
laughing my cute little ass off
lmd :
Lick My d**k
lmfao :
laughing my f**king ass off
lmfaorotg :
laugh my f**king ass off rolling off the ground
lmfbo :
laugh my f**king butt off
lmffao :
laughing my f**king fat ass off
lmffo :
Laughing my f**king face off
lmfho :
laughing my f**king head off
lmfo :
laughing my face off
lmfpo :
laughing my f**king p***y off
lmfr :
Lets Meet For Real
lmfto :
laughing my f**kin tits off
lmg :
let me guess
lmgdao :
Laughing My God Damn Ass Off
lmgtfy :
Let me Google that for you
lmhao :
laughing my hairy ass off
lmho :
laughing my heiny off
Lmhoirl :
Laughing My Head Off In Real Life
lmip :
lmirl :
Let's meet in real life
lmk :
let me know
lmks :
Let Me Know Soon
lmkwc :
Let me know when clear
lmkwut :
let me know what you think
lml :
love my life
lmmfao :
laughing my mother f**king ass off
lmmfaos :
laughing my mother f**king ass off silly
lmmfas :
laugh my mother f**kin ass off
lmmffao :
laughing my mother f**king fat ass off
lmo :
Leave Me One
lmoao :
Laughing my Other Ass Off
lmp :
lick my p***y
lmpitw :
let me put it this way
lmpo :
laughing my panties off
lmreo :
laughing my rear end off
lms :
leave me some
lmsao :
laughing my sexy ass off
lmso :
laughing my socks off
lmtd :
lmtfa :
leave me the f**k alone
lmto :
laughing my tits off
lmtus :
let me tell you something
lmty :
laughing more than you
lmvo :
laugh my vagina off
ln :
last name
lnk :
lobfl :
Laugh Out Bloody f**king Loud
lobl :
laugh out bloody loud
lof :
Laughing on floor
lofi :
lofl :
laugh out f**king loud
loflmao :
laying on floor laughing my ass off
loi :
laughing on the inside
lol :
laughing out loud
lol'd :
laughed out loud
lol2u :
Laugh out loud to you
lol@u :
Laugh out loud at you
lolarotf :
laughing out loud and rolling on the floor
lolaw :
laugh out loud at work
lolbs :
laugh out loud but seriously
Lolbvs :
Laughing out loud but very serious
lolcano :
laugh out loud
lolci :
laughing out loud, crying inside
lolcity :
the whole city laughs out loud
lold :
laughed out loud
loled :
Laughed out loud
lolees :
laugh out loud
lolerz :
laugh out loud
lolf :
lots of love forever
lolin :
laughing out loud
lolio :
laugh out loud I own
lollam :
Laughing Out Loud Like A Maniac
lollercaust :
an extreme event of hilarity
lollercoaster :
laugh out loud (a lot)
lollerskates :
laughing out loud
lolm :
laugh out loud man
loln :
laught out loud... not
lolngs :
laghing out loud never gonna stop
lolocost :
laugh out loud
lolol :
saying "lol" out loud
lololz :
laugh out loud
lolpimp :
Laughing out loud peeing in my pants
lolq :
laugh out loud quietly
lolrof :
Laughing out loud while rolling on the floor.
lolrotf :
laughing out loud rolling on the floor
lols :
laugh out loud
lolvq :
laugh out loud very quietly
lolwtime :
laughing out loud with tears in my eyes
lolz :
laugh out loud
Lolzies :
Laughing out loud
lomg :
like oh my god
loml :
love of my life
lomy :
love of my life
loomm :
laughing out of my mind
lorl :
laugh out real loud
lorrl :
laugh out really really loud
lotf :
laughing on the floor
loti :
laughing on the inside
loto :
laughing on the outside
lotr :
lord of the rings
lov :
lovu :
love you
loxen :
laughing out loud
loxxen :
laughing out loud
lozer :
lpb :
low ping b*****d
lpiaw :
Large Penis is always welcome
lpms :
life pretty much sucks
lq :
Laughing Quietly
lq2m :
laughing quietly to myself
lqtm :
Laugh quietly to myself
lqtms :
Laughing quietly to myself
lqts :
laughing quietly to self
lrfl :
Laughing really f**king loud
lrh :
laughing really hard
lrqtms :
laughing really quietly to myself
lrt :
last retweet
lsfw :
Less Safe For Work
lshic :
laughing so hard i'm crying
lshid :
laugh so hard i die
lshifabmh :
Laughing so hard I fell and broke my hip
lshipmp :
Laughing so Hard I Piss My Pants
lshismp :
laughed so hard I s**t my pants
lshiwms :
laughing so hard I wet myself
lshmson :
laughing so hard milk shot out nose
lshrn :
laughing so hard right now
lsmih :
laughing so much it hurts
lsr :
lsudi :
Lets see you do it
lt :
long time
ltb :
looking to buy
lthtt :
laughing too hard to type
ltip :
laughting until I puke
ltl :
Let's talk later
ltm :
listen to me
ltmq :
Laugh To Myself Quietly
ltms :
Laughing to my self
ltnc :
Long time no see
ltns :
long time no see
ltnsoh :
Long time, no see or hear
ltnt :
long time no talk
ltp :
Lay the pipe
ltr :
lttpot :
laughing to the point of tears
ltw :
Lead The Way
ltywl :
love the way you lie
lu :
love you
lu2 :
love you too
lu2d :
love you to death
lu4l :
love you for life
Luaaf :
Love you always and forever
lub :
laugh under breath
luf :
luff :
lug :
lesbian until graduation
luk :
lukin :
lul :
love you lots
lulab :
Love you like a brother
lulas :
Love You Like a Sister
lulz :
Laughing out loud.
lumumi :
Love you miss you mean it
lurker :
one who reads but doesn't reply
luser :
user who is a loser
lusm :
love you so much
luv :
luver :
luvuvm :
love you very much
luvv :
luzar :
lv :
lve :
lvl :
lvn :
lvr :
lvya :
love you
lwih :
look what I have
lwn :
last week's news
lwwy :
Live While We\'re Young
ly :
love you
ly2 :
love you to
lya :
love you always
lyaab :
Love you as a brother
lyaaf :
Love you as a friend
lyao :
laugh your ass off
Lybbg :
Love you baby girl
lybo :
laugh your butt off
lyf :
lyfao :
laughing your f**king ass off
lyfe :
lyk :
lyk3 :
lyke :
lyl :
love you lots
lylab :
love you like a brother
lylaba :
love you like a brother always
lylad :
love you like a dad
lylafklc :
love you like a fat kid loves cake
lylal :
love you lots and lots
lylam :
love you like a mom
lylas :
I love you like a sister
lylasa :
love you like a sister always
lylno :
Love you like no other
lyls :
love you lots
lym :
love you more
lymi :
love you mean it
lysfm :
love you so f**king much
lysm :
love you so much
lyt :
love you too
lyvm :
love you very much
lzer :
lzr :
Lzy :