Internet & Text Slang Starting With Y

Below is a list of internet slang and text slang terms or acronyms starting with the letter Y. To view other internet slang or acronyms, click on another letter below or use the search box above.

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aygs :
are you going somewhere
At Your Own Risk
Love You, Miss You, Want You
syn :
See you never
Wygf :
What You Going For
y :
y w :
you're welcome
y!a :
yahoo answers
y'all :
you all
y/n :
yes or no
y/o :
Years Old
y2b :
y2k :
year 2000
ya :
yaab :
You are a b***h
yaaf :
you are a f**
yaafm :
You Are A f**king Moron
yaagf :
you are a good friend
yaai :
You are an idiot
Yaamsm :
You are annoying me so much
yaf :
you're a f**
yafi :
you're a f**king idiot
yag :
you are gay
yall :
you all
yapa :
yet another pointless acronym
yaqw :
You are quite welcome
yarly :
yeah really
yas :
you are stupid
yasan :
You are such a nerd
yasf :
you are so funny
yasfg :
you are so f**king gay
yasg :
you are so gay
yasw :
you are so weird
yatb :
you are the best
yatwl :
you are the weakest link
yaw :
you are welcome
yayo :
ybbg :
Your Brother By Grace
ybs :
you'll be sorry
ybya :
you bet your ass
ycliu :
You could look it up
ycmtsu :
You Can't Make This s**t Up
ycntu :
Why Cant You?
yctwuw :
you can think what you want
ydpos :
you dumb piece of s**t
ydtm :
You're dead to me
ydufc :
Why do f**king care?
yduwtk :
why do you want to know
ye :
yea :
Yeen :
you ain't even
yeet :
yelcome :
you're welcome
yer :
yermom :
your mother
yfb :
you f**king b*****d
yfg :
you're f**king gay
yfi :
you f**king idiot
ygg :
you go girl
ygm :
You Got Mail
ygp :
you got punked!
ygpm :
you've got a private message
ygrr :
you got rick rolled
ygtbfkm :
you've got to be f**king kidding me
ygtbk :
you've got to be kidding
ygtbkm :
you got to be kidding me
ygtbsm :
You've got to be shitting me
ygtsr :
you got that s**t right
yh :
yhbt :
you've been trolled
yhbtyhlhand :
you have been trolled; you have lost; have a nice day.
yhf :
you have failed
yhgtbsm :
You Have Got To Be Shitting Me
yhl :
you have lost
yhm :
You have mail
yhni :
you have no idea
yhpm :
you have a private messge
yhtbt :
You Had To Be There
yid :
yes, I do
yim :
yahoo instant messenger
yiwtgo :
Yes, I want to go private
yk :
you kidding
ykb :
you know better
yki :
You know it
ykisa :
Your knight in shining armor
ykm :
You're killing me
ykn :
you know nothing
yktd :
you know the drill
you know the f**king vibe
ykw :
You Know What
ykwim :
you know what I mean
ykwiw :
You Know What I Want
ykwya :
you know who you are
ykyk :
you know you know
ykywywm :
you know you wish you were me
ylb :
you little b***h
ym :
your mom
ymbg :
you must be guessing
ymbkm :
you must be kidding me
yme :
why me
ymfp :
Your Most Favorite Person
ymg2c :
your mom goes to college
ymgtc :
Your Mom Goes To college
ymiaw :
your mom is a w***e
ymislidi :
you make it sound like i did it
ymmd :
You Made My Day
ymmv :
your mileage may vary
ymrasu :
Yes, My ret*rded Ass Signed Up
yn :
why not
yng :
ynk :
you never know
ynm :
yes, no, maybe
ynt :
why not
ynw :
you know what
yo :
year old
yo' :
yodo :
you only die once
yolo :
you only live once
yolt :
you only live twice
yomank :
you owe me a new keyboard
yor :
youngin :
young person
yoy :
why oh why
ypmf :
you pissed me off
ypmo :
you piss me off
ypom :
your place or mine
yqw :
you're quite welcome
yr :
yrbk :
yrms :
You Rock My Socks
yrs :
yrsaf :
You Are Such A Fool
yrsm :
you really scare me
yrss :
you are so sexy
Yrtic :
You really think I care
yru :
why are you?
yrubm :
why are you bugging me?
yrusm :
Why are you so mean
ys :
you suck
ysa :
You Suck Ass
ysal :
you suck at life
ysati :
you suck at the internet
ysf :
you stupid f**k
ysic :
why should I care
ysitm :
your shirt is too small
ysk :
you should know
ysm :
you scare me
ysoab :
You son of a b***h
yss :
you stupid s**t
Ystrdy :
ysw :
you're so welcome
yswnt :
why sleep when not tired?
yt :
You there?
ytd :
year to date
ytf :
why the f**k
ytfwudt :
why the f**k would you do that?
ythwudt :
Why the hell would you do that
ytis :
You think I'm special?
ytm :
you tell me
ytmnd :
You're the man now, dog!
yty :
why thank you
yu :
yua :
you ugly ass
yur :
yust :
why you say that
yvfw :
you're very f**king welcome
yvw :
you're very welcome
yw :
you're welcome
ywapom :
you want a piece of me?
ywi :
you want it
ywia :
You're welcome in advance
ywic :
why would i care
yws :
you want sex
ywsyls :
you win some you lose some
ywud :
yo whats up dude
ywvm :
you're welcome very much
ywywm :
you wish you were me
yysw :
yeah, yeah, sure, whatever
Yyy :
Yeah, yeah, yeah