Definition & Meaning of "YWIC"

What does ywic mean? View the definition of ywic and all related slang terms containing ywic below:

ywic :
why would i care

Usage of YWIC

The abbreviation YWIC is often used in texting to express disinterest or lack of concern towards something that has been said or suggested. It is a sarcastic way of saying that the person does not find the topic or situation important enough to care about. It can also be used to show annoyance or frustration towards someone who is constantly talking about something that the recipient finds irrelevant or uninteresting.

Example 1:
Person A: I just got a new haircut, what do you think?
Person B: YWIC

Example 2:
Person A: Did you hear about what happened at the party last night?
Person B: YWIC

Example 3:
Person A: I'm thinking of switching to a vegan diet.
Person B: YWIC, it's your life.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ywic"

ywic :
why would i care

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