Definition & Meaning of "DG"

What does dg mean? View the definition of dg and all related slang terms containing dg below:

dg :
don't go

Usage of DG

The abbreviation DG stands for "don't go." It is commonly used in texting to advise someone not to leave a particular place or situation. It can also be used figuratively to mean "don't give up" or "don't abandon a task or goal." When used in a text message, the abbreviation DG is a quick and efficient way to convey this message without typing out the full phrase.

Examples of DG used in texting:

1. Hey, I'm running late, but DG yet. I'll be there in 10 minutes.
2. The traffic is really bad right now. DG if you can wait for me.
3. I know this project is tough, but DG! We can finish it together.

Label: Examples of DG used in texting

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "dg"

ddg :
Drop Dead Gorgeous
dg :
don't go
dga :
don't go anywhere
dgac :
don't give a crap
dgaf :
don't give a f**k
dgara :
don't give a rats ass
dgas :
Don't give a s**t
dgms :
Don't get me started
Don't get me wrong
dgoai :
don't go on about it
dgt :
don't go there
dgu :
don't give up
dgypiab :
don't get your panties in a bunch
gdgd :
good good
idgac :
i don't give a crap
idgad :
I don't give a damn
idgaf :
i don't give a f**k
idgaff :
I don't give a flying f**k
idgafs :
I don't give a f**king s**t
idgara :
I don't give a rat's ass
idgas :
i don't give a s**t
idgf :
I don't give a f**k
idgi :
I don't get it
irdgaf :
i really don't give a f**k
odg :
oh dear God
omdg :
oh my dear god
pdg :
pretty damn good
rodger :

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