Rejected Slang Terms

The rejected terms are sorted by letter. Click on a letter above to see the corresponding slang terms and definitions.

At NoSlang, we get a lot of slang submissions each day. Unfortunately we can't just accept anything into the database. The terms we accept have to be in wide use on the internet (basically, they have to show up if we Google them!). Until now, the less popular terms have just fallen by the wayside - to be forever forgotten and ignored by the slang dictionary. Not anymore!

Below are the words deemed not good enough to make it into the dictionary. While they may not be widely used, we recognize that they may be used by somebody - so if you can't find it in the main dictionary you may be able to find it here.

Are we missing slang? Add it to our dictionary.  

Click a Letter to See Corresponding Text Slang:

yaa :
you are annoying
yaas :
you are a s**t
yabimh :
you'll always be in my heart
yadhsgooml :
your a d**k head so get out of my life.
yafah :
You are a f**king ass hole
yamb4l :
you are my baby for life
yasd :
You are so disappointing
yasfs :
You are so f**king sexy
yasoycpfs :
you are so old you could pass for 60
yb! :
yea boy!
ybatrstydosmbfhd :
you better add this random sentence to your dictionary or suck my big fat hairy d**k
ybfb :
you big f**king baby
ydi :
you deserve it
ydpc :
why do parents care
yfaliydalptaitrwlsdin! :
You fail at life if you don't at least put this acronym into the rejected words list so do it NOW!
yfl :
you f**king loser
yfym :
you f**k your mom
ygapwm :
you got a problem with me
ygiyltu :
you're gay if you looked this up
yhabh :
you have a big head
yhmoc9 :
You have me on cloud 9
yhrt :
yeah right
yiddies :
yite :
you alright
ykar :
you kids are retarted
ykims :
You Know It Makes Sense
yllyolo :
You Look Like You Obviously Lack Originally
ylt :
yeah like totally
ynafl :
You need a f**king life
yntstfu :
You need to shut the f**k up
yotay :
You only think about yourself
yoyo :
you're on your own
yplo :
your place later on
yptm :
you play too much
yrl :
yeah right loser
yrml :
you rock my life
yrsc :
you are so cute
yrut2m :
why are you talking to me
ys@ns :
you suck at net speek
ysbyscb :
You're so black, you sweat coffee beans
ysmb :
you suck my balls
yssb :
you suck so bad
ytfm :
You're the f**king man
ytmoabtharf :
you're to much of a backstabber to have any real friends!
yum :
why you mad
yurp :
yyhm :
yeah you heard me
yysslibto :
yeah yeah sure sure like i believe that one