Rejected Slang Terms

The rejected terms are sorted by letter. Click on a letter above to see the corresponding slang terms and definitions.

At NoSlang, we get a lot of slang submissions each day. Unfortunately we can't just accept anything into the database. The terms we accept have to be in wide use on the internet (basically, they have to show up if we Google them!). Until now, the less popular terms have just fallen by the wayside - to be forever forgotten and ignored by the slang dictionary. Not anymore!

Below are the words deemed not good enough to make it into the dictionary. While they may not be widely used, we recognize that they may be used by somebody - so if you can't find it in the main dictionary you may be able to find it here.

Are we missing slang? Add it to our dictionary.  

Click a Letter to See Corresponding Text Slang:

ratm :
Rage Against the Machine
rax :
razz :
rbaty :
right back at you
remf :
Rear Echelon Mother f**ker
respektin :
revnj :
rez :
rfa :
read the f**king article
rfc :
request for comments
rfd :
recipe for disaster
rhps :
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Rip :
Rest in peace
rip :
rest in peace
rip :
rest in peace
rlh :
Run like hell
rma :
Respect my authority
rmc :
rub my c**t
rocl :
Roll off chair laughing
rofb :
roll on floor bloated
rofep :
rolling on the floor eating pie
roflaicgu :
rolling on floor laughing and i can't get up
roflkmita :
rolling on floor kicking myself in the ass
roflmaoshimfo :
rolling on floor laughing my ass off so hard it might fall off
roflmaovh :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off very hard
roflmaovhuie :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off very hard until i explode
roflmaoweab :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off while eating a burrito
roflmdo :
rolling on floor laughing my donkey off
roflmfaoshifad :
rolling on the floor laughing my f**king ass off so hard i fall and die
roflmfaotntpmp :
rolling on floor laughing my f**king ass off trying not to piss my pants
roflmmfwao :
rolling on floor laughing my mother f**king white ass off
roflolmao :
rolling on floor laughing out loud my ass off
rofloluts :
roll on floor laughing out loud unable to speak
roflolwpmp :
roll on the floor laughing out loud while peeing my pants!
roflshiac :
Rolling on floor laughing so hard I am crying
roflshipmp :
Rolling on floor laughing so hard I pooped my pants
roflsmp :
rolling on floor laughing shitting my pants
roflysst :
rolling on floor laughing yet somehow still typing
rofpm :
rolling on the floor pissing myself
rofvibpmpstfc :
rolling on the floor vomiting in a bucket pissing my pants singing the final countdown
rolf :
rolling on a laughing floor
rolflamolc :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass of like crazy
rolfsaur :
roll on floor with laughter
roma :
relatives on my ass
rooflmfao :
roll over on floor laughing my f**king ass off
rotclol :
rolling on the ceiling laughing out loud
rotfc :
Rolling On The Floor Crying
rotflcmalfo :
rolling on the floor laughing cause my artaficial limbs fell off
rotflmatfo :
rolling on the floor laughing my ass the f**k off
rotflmbfao :
roll on the floor laughing my big fat ass off
rotflmfaoaapmp :
rolling on the floor laughing my freakin ass off and almost peeing my pants
rotflolamoj :
rolling on the floor laughing out loud at my own joke
rotflolawl :
rolling on the floor laughing out loud a whole lot
rotflolo :
rolling on the floor laughing out loud outrageously
rotfloltbrome :
rolling on the floor laughing out loud till blood runs out my eyes
rotflpmp :
rolling on the floor laughing peeing my pants
rotflqtms :
rolling on the floor laughing quietly to myself
rotflshmsfoaidmt :
Rolling on the floor laughing so hard my sombraro falls off and I drop my taco
rotgdflmmfao :
rolling on the god damn floor laughing my mother f**king ass off
rotglmfao :
Rolling on the ground laughing my f**king ass off
rotk :
return of the king
rppvp :
Role Play Player versus Player
rs :
rsimdf :
Rubbing s**t into my dogs fur
rsvp :
Response Shall Verify Presence
rt :
roger that
rtp :
really tight p***y
rtu :
roll to use
ruaa :
are you an a**h**e
ruapon :
are you a pirate or ninja
rufkmd :
are you f**king kidding me damn
rug :
are you gay
rum :
are you mad
rurfs :
are you ready for sex
rus :
are you sick?
rust :
are you still there?
rvr :
realm versus realm
rvs :
restless vagina syndrome
rwl :
rejected word list
rwnj :
Right Wing Nut Job
rwy :
roll with you
ryfjm :
are you f**king joking me