Definition & Meaning of "KA"

What does ka mean? View the definition of ka and all related slang terms containing ka below:

ka :
Kick Ass

Usage of KA

The abbreviation "KA" is a slang term that stands for "kick ass." It is commonly used to describe something or someone that is impressive, exceptional, or excellent.

Examples of KA used in texting:
1. "Did you hear about Sarah's performance in the talent show? She was KA!"
2. "I just finished my final exam and I think I did pretty KA."
3. "This new game I bought is so KA! You should definitely try it."

Examples of KA used in texting:

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ka"

aka :
also known as
bka :
better known as
crakalakin :
fka :
formerly known as
hakas :
have a kick ass summer
idkat :
I don't know a thing
idkau :
I don't know about you
iebkac :
issue exists between keyboard and chair
jka :
just kidding around
ka :
Kick Ass
kafn :
kill all f**king noobs
kah :
kisses and hugs
kaw :
kick ass work
kay :
lollerskates :
laughing out loud
nafkam :
Not Away From Keyboard Any More
pebkac :
problem exists between keyboard and chair
sokay :
it's okay
suka :
swakaah :
Sealed With A Kiss And A Hug
tttka :
Time to totally kick ass

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