Definition & Meaning of "WWY"

What does wwy mean? View the definition of wwy and all related slang terms containing wwy below:

wwy :
where were you

Usage of WWY


WWY stands for 'where were you', which is usually an inquiry directed at someone who was absent from a scheduled or planned event. Generally, when someone asks 'where were you?', they are inquiring as to why the individual asked did not show up.

Sample text message 1: Hey John, WWY? We've been waiting for you for the past half hour!

Sample text message 2: Hey Lisa, WWY last night? I was looking forward to meeting your new friends!

Sample text message 3: Hey Sarah, WWY last week? I missed seeing your smiling face at the meeting!

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wwy"

lwwy :
Live While We\'re Young
sowwy :
witwwyt :
what in the world were you thinking
Wiwwy :
What is wrong with you
wtfiwwy :
what the f**k is wrong with you
wwwy :
what's wrong with you
wwy :
where were you
wwycm :
when will you call me
wwyd :
what would you do?
wwyd2m :
what would you do to me
wwydt :
why would you do that
wwygac :
write when you get a chance
wwyt :
What were you thinking

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