Definition & Meaning of "WYHSWM"

What does wyhswm mean? View the definition of wyhswm and all related slang terms containing wyhswm below:

wyhswm :
would you have sex with me

Usage of WYHSWM

The abbreviation WYHSWM is a sexually suggestive text slang that is used to ask someone if they would engage in sexual activities with the person who sent the message. It is usually considered to be an indirect invitation for sex, and it can be a sign of disrespect if sent to someone who is not interested or comfortable with this kind of conversation.

Example of WYHSWM used in texting:

1) Person A: Hey! WYHSWM?
Person B: Umm, sorry but I'm not interested in that kind of thing.

2) Person A: You're so hot! WYHSWM?
Person B: That's really inappropriate. Please don't send me messages like that again.

3) Person A: I can't stop thinking about you. WYHSWM?
Person B: Sorry, but I don't feel comfortable talking about that. Let's just stick to friendly conversations.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wyhswm"

wyhswm :
would you have sex with me

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