Definition & Meaning of "GY"

What does gy mean? View the definition of gy and all related slang terms containing gy below:

gy :

Usage of GY

Firstly, it's important to note that using the abbreviation 'GY' to mean 'gay' is considered offensive and disrespectful to the LGBTQ+ community. It's important to always use language that is inclusive and respectful of all identities.

With that being said, if we were to define 'GY' as an abbreviation for 'gay', it would refer to someone who identifies as homosexual or attracted to the same gender. This term is often used within the LGBTQ+ community as a way of self-identification.

Examples of GY used in texting:
1. "I heard that John came out as GY yesterday"
2. "I'm going to Pride next weekend, can't wait to celebrate with all the GY folks"
3. "My sister just got engaged to her girlfriend, I'm so happy for them and their journey as a GY couple"

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "gy"

cwtgypo :
can't wait to get your panties off
dgypiab :
don't get your panties in a bunch
gy :
gyabitmfhrn :
get your ass back in the mother f**king house right now
gyabitmfhrnbibya :
get your ass back in the mother f**king house right now before i beat your ass
gyaithrnbibya :
get your ass in the house right now before I beat your ass
gyaitmfhrn :
get your ass in the mother f**king house right now
gyaitmfhrnbibya :
get your ass in the mother f**king house right now before i beat your ass
gyal :
gyat :
girl your ass thick
gypo :
Get Your Penis Out
igyb :
I Got Your Back
nggyunglyd :
Never Gonna Give You Up Never Gonna Let You Down
nigysob :
now I've got you son of a b***h
omgyg2bk :
oh my god you got to be kidding
omgykkyb :
oh my god you killed kenny you b*****ds
orgy :
siggy :

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