What does d.w mean? View the definition of d.w and all related slang terms containing d.w below:
d.w :
don't worry
Usage of D.W
The abbreviation D.W is commonly used in texting and online messaging as an abbreviation of "don't worry." It's a short and easy way to communicate to someone that they don't need to be anxious or stressed about something, and that everything will be fine. It's a quick way to offer reassurance and comfort to someone who might be feeling overwhelmed or uneasy.
Examples of D.W used in texting:
1. Hey, I'm running a few minutes late but D.W, I'll be there soon!
2. Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. Remember, D.W, things will work out in the end.
3. I know you're nervous about the presentation tomorrow, but D.W, you've got this!