Definition & Meaning of "GTD"

What does Gtd mean? View the definition of Gtd and all related slang terms containing Gtd below:

gtd :
Getting things done

Usage of GTD

GTD stands for "Getting things done," which refers to the process of taking action and completing tasks in a timely and efficient manner. It emphasizes productivity, organization, and focus on accomplishing goals and objectives. By practicing GTD, individuals can increase their effectiveness in managing their responsibilities and achieving success in various areas of life.

Examples of GTD used in texting:

1. Hey, can we meet later today to discuss the project? I have a deadline to meet and need to focus on GTD.
2. Sorry I can't chat right now, I'm in the middle of GTD mode and trying to finish this report before the end of the day.
3. Just finished organizing my to-do list for the week, feeling motivated to tackle everything on it with a GTD mindset.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "Gtd"

Gtd :
Getting things done

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