Definition & Meaning of "BWL"

What does bwl mean? View the definition of bwl and all related slang terms containing bwl below:

bwl :
Bursting with laughter

Usage of BWL

BWL is an abbreviation commonly used in texting to convey the sentiment of "Bursting with laughter." This abbreviation is often employed to express that something is truly hilarious or that the sender finds something extremely funny. When someone uses BWL in a text message, they're indicating that they are laughing uncontrollably or finding something so amusing that they feel like they are about to burst with laughter.

Examples of BWL used in texting:

1. Friend 1: Did you see the video of the cat chasing its own tail?
Friend 2: Yes, BWL! I couldn't stop laughing.

2. Mom: Your dad tried to dance to that new song, and he's not the best dancer.
Daughter: Oh, BWL! I can only imagine how funny that was.

3. Group chat:
Friend 1: Remember that embarrassing moment I had last week?
Friend 2: Yes, BWL! I still can't believe that happened.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "bwl"

bbwl :
be back way later
Bursting with laughter

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