Definition & Meaning of "TWT"

What does TwT mean? View the definition of TwT and all related slang terms containing TwT below:

twt :
time will tell

Usage of TWT

The abbreviation TWT means "time will tell," which is a phrase often used to convey that only the passage of time will reveal the true outcome of a situation. It can be used when discussing uncertain or unpredictable situations where the future is unknown or when someone is unsure about the potential outcome of a decision. "Time will tell" means that we will have to wait until more information is available before making any conclusions or judgments.

Examples of TWT used in texting:

1) "I'm not sure if I should apply for that job. TWT if it's the right move."
2) "My new relationship is going well so far, but TWT if it's meant to last."
3) "I'm hoping to pass this exam, but TWT if I studied enough."

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "TwT"

latwttb :
laughing all the way to the bank
tiatwtcc :
this is a trap word to catch copiers
TwT :
time will tell
twtr :
twttr :

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