Definition & Meaning of "TYPO"

What does typo mean? View the definition of typo and all related slang terms containing typo below:

typo :
typing mistake

Usage of TYPO

A TYPO is a common typing mistake that occurs when someone unintentionally hits the wrong key while typing. This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as unfamiliarity with the keyboard, typing too quickly or carelessness. Typos can lead to misinterpretations of written text and can cause confusion. In the context of texting, typos are even more prevalent because people tend to use shorthand and abbreviations, which can lead to even more mistakes.

Examples of TYPO used in texting:

1. Hey, sorry for the TYPO in my last message. I meant to say "I'm running a bit late" instead of "I'm running a but late."
(Example of TYPO used in texting)

2. Can't wait to see you 2night! Oops, sorry for the TYPO - meant to say "tonight."
(Example of TYPO used in texting)

3. I just sent that email with a massive TYPO, can't believe I spelled your name wrong!
(Example of TYPO used in texting)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "typo"

typo :
typing mistake

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