Definition & Meaning of "ISE"

What does ise mean? View the definition of ise and all related slang terms containing ise below:

ise :
internal server error

Usage of ISE

The term 'ISE' is an abbreviation for 'internal server error'. It's an error message that appears when something goes wrong with a website's server. Basically, it means that the server is unable to complete a request made by a user due to an issue within the server itself. This can be caused by various factors, such as a high traffic volume or a malfunction in the server's software. Whenever you see 'ISE' while browsing a website, it means that there is a problem with the website's server and you won't be able to access the requested page. Here are some examples of ISE used in texting:

Example 1:
Person A: Hey, are you able to access the website?
Person B: No, I tried but I keep getting ISE. I think the server is down.

Example 2:
Person A: Did you finish your online application?
Person B: No, I can't submit it. It keeps giving me ISE whenever I try to upload my resume.

Example 3:
Person A: I'm trying to make a purchase but it won't go through.
Person B: Check if you're getting ISE. If you are, it might be because of the website's server.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "ise"

ise :
internal server error
miself :

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