Definition & Meaning of "DNT"

What does dnt mean? View the definition of dnt and all related slang terms containing dnt below:

dnt :

Usage of DNT

DNT is an abbreviation for the word 'don't.' It is used to denote the negation of an action or to indicate that someone should not do something.

Examples of DNT used in texting:

1) "DNT forget to bring your charger to the party tonight!"
2) "DNT worry, I'll be there in 5 minutes."
3) "DNT tell anyone what I told you about my crush!"

These are examples of DNT used in texting to convey a message in a concise and efficient way. By using DNT, the speaker is able to get their point across quickly and with minimal effort.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "dnt"

dnt :
dnti :
did not turn in
idntk :
i dont need to know
uctaodnt :
you can't teach an old dog new tricks

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