Definition & Meaning of "BFFF"

What does bfff mean? View the definition of bfff and all related slang terms containing bfff below:

bfff :
Best f**king Friend Forever

Usage of BFFF

The abbreviation BFFF is a relatively new term and it refers to someone who is your closest friend. The term was likely created as a contemporary variant of the more common BFF, which means 'Best Friend Forever'. The 'f**king' adds an extra intensity to the bond between two friends, implying that they are indeed the closest of anyone. BFFF is often used in a playful manner, but its meaning and significance should not be underestimated.

Example text messages:
1. Hey girl! Can't wait to hang out with my BFFF tonight 💜
2. Just wanted to remind you how much I love and appreciate you, BFFF 😘
3. Happy birthday to my favorite person in the world and my BFFF! 🎉🎂 Examples of BFFF used in texting

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "bfff"

Best f**king Friend Forever

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