Definition & Meaning of "WAUD"

What does Waud mean? View the definition of Waud and all related slang terms containing Waud below:

waud :
What are you doing

Usage of WAUD

The abbreviation WAUD is commonly used in texting as a shortened version of the question 'What are you doing?' It is often used as a way to inquire about someone's activities or whereabouts in a casual conversation.

Examples of WAUD used in texting:

1. Friend 1: Hey, WAUD tonight?
Friend 2: Not much, just chilling at home.
Example of WAUD used in texting: Text conversation between friends discussing their evening plans.

2. Mom: Just wanted to check in and see WAUD today?
Me: Oh, not much Mom, just studying for my exams.
Example of WAUD used in texting: Text conversation between a mother and her child catching up on their day.

3. Crush: Hey, WAUD this weekend?
Me: Not sure yet, why?
Crush: Well, I was thinking maybe we could hang out?
Example of WAUD used in texting: Text conversation between two people discussing potential plans for the weekend.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "Waud"

Waud :
What are you doing
Waudrn :
What are you doing right now

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