Definition & Meaning of "WANK"

What does wank mean? View the definition of wank and all related slang terms containing wank below:

wank :

Usage of WANK

The abbreviation WANK is a vulgar slang term that refers to the act of masturbation. It is commonly used among teenagers and young adults who are comfortable with discussing sexual topics. The term originated in the United Kingdom and has since spread to other English-speaking countries.

Examples of WANK used in texting:

1. "I'm so bored, gonna go to my room and have a quick WANK lol #sorrynotsorry" (Example of WANK used in texting)

2. "Dude, why were you in the bathroom for so long? Were you having a WANK or something?" (Example of WANK used in texting)

3. "I can't believe my mom caught me wanking yesterday, I'm so embarrassed" (Example of WANK used in texting)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wank"

Wank :
wanker :
wanking :

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