Rejected Slang Terms

The rejected terms are sorted by letter. Click on a letter above to see the corresponding slang terms and definitions.

At NoSlang, we get a lot of slang submissions each day. Unfortunately we can't just accept anything into the database. The terms we accept have to be in wide use on the internet (basically, they have to show up if we Google them!). Until now, the less popular terms have just fallen by the wayside - to be forever forgotten and ignored by the slang dictionary. Not anymore!

Below are the words deemed not good enough to make it into the dictionary. While they may not be widely used, we recognize that they may be used by somebody - so if you can't find it in the main dictionary you may be able to find it here.

Are we missing slang? Add it to our dictionary.  

Click a Letter to See Corresponding Text Slang:

Dfwt :
Down for whatever though
f.m.l :
f**k My Life
f.o.b :
fall out boy
f/e :
Fair enough
f/h :
f**k her
fa :
f**k All
faf :
fit as f**k
fag8 :
faktd :
Farted And Killed The Dog
famf :
fat ass mother f**ker
fb :
fat b***h
fbamdc :
f**king b***h at my damn cookie
fbf :
frame by frame
fbi :
female body inspector
fcgb :
fckubch :
f**k you b***h
fdlsh :
fall down laughing so hard
fff :
Fit, Fun, f**kable
ffln :
f** found love now
ffof :
face full of fail
fgj :
for great justice
fh :
f**king hot
fih :
fire in the hole
fiis :
f**king internet is slow
fish :
f**k It s**t Happens
fkmebbe :
f**k mr babe
flgs :
favorite local gaming store
flh :
freakishly large head
flhbwad :
fat lesbian hooker b***h with a d**k
flix :
fma :
f**k my ass
fmad :
f**k me all day
fmanl :
f**k me all night long
fmgf :
f**k my girlfriend
fmhita :
f**k me hard in the ass
fmhp :
f**k me harder please!
fmlam :
f**k me like a man
fmls :
f**k my life sucks
fmmfl :
f**k my mother f**king life
fmnah :
f**k me nice and hard
fmnph :
f**k me Neil Patrick Harris
fmp :
f**k me please
fmrh :
f**k me really hard
fms :
f**k me sideways
fng :
f**king new guy
fns :
friday night skate
foadiaf :
f**k off and die in a fire
foadoa :
f**k off and die of aids
focwl :
faling off chair with laughter
fod :
f**k off and die
foff :
f**k off
fomalol :
falling on my ass laughing out loud
fomcl :
Fell out of my chair laughing
fomf :
f**k Off Motherf**ker
foneseks :
phone sex
fooc :
fell out of chair
forc :
f**king over rat cage
forshizzle :
for sure
fosh :
for sure
fotb :
fresh off the boat
foymfcs :
f**k off you mother f**king c**k sucker
fpowttyl :
f**k parents are watching talk to you later
fr :
for real
frisco :
San Francisco
froob :
free account noob
fruit rollups :
fsck :
fsmn :
for shizzle my nizzle
fsu :
f**k s**t up
ftbs :
f**k the bulls**t
ftc :
for the crack
ftff :
f**k the f**king f**ker
fth :
for the horde
ftloc :
For the love of cheese
ftrwrwtb :
f**k the rest we roll with the best
ftss :
f**k that stupid s**t
ftybr :
Follow the yellow brick road
fuathyrio :
f**k you and the horse you rode in on
fuauf :
f**k you and your family
fucc :
fuf :
f**k you f**
fuitah :
f**k you in the a**h**e
fuiura :
f**k you in your ass
funda :
f**k you in the ass
fupa :
fat upper p***y area
fuz :
fuzz :
fwtwt :
f**k What The World Thinks
fyeah :
f**k yeah
fyhcs :
f**k You Homo c**k Sucker
fyuff :
f**k you you f**king f**k
fyuta :
f**k you up the ass
fyyff :
f**k you you f**king f**k
f\h :
f**k him