Definition & Meaning of "WDTM"

What does wdtm mean? View the definition of wdtm and all related slang terms containing wdtm below:

wdtm :
what does that mean

Usage of WDTM

The abbreviation WDTM stands for "what does that mean". It is commonly used in texting when someone doesn't understand a word or abbreviation that has been used in the conversation. It's a quick and easy way to ask the other person to clarify without having to type out the entire phrase. Here are three examples of WDTM used in texting:

Example 1:
Person A: I think I'm going to have to work OT this week.
Person B: OT?
Person A: Oh sorry, overtime.

Example 2:
Person A: Did you see that new episode of TWD?
Person B: TWD?
Person A: The Walking Dead

Example 3:
Person A: I just bought a new SUV today.
Person B: SUV? WDTM?
Person A: Oh sorry, Sport Utility Vehicle.

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "wdtm"

wdtm :
what does that mean

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