Definition & Meaning of "SRVIS"

What does srvis mean? View the definition of srvis and all related slang terms containing srvis below:

srvis :

Usage of SRVIS

SRVIS is a commonly used abbreviation that stands for the word "service". It indicates assistance, aid or help provided to someone. In the business world, "SRVIS" refers to services provided by a company to a client which may include customer support, technical support or other facilities. SRVIS can also refer to the assistance that an individual provides to another person in the form of helping someone with their work or any other task.

Examples of SRVIS used in texting:
1. Can you give me a hand with this project? I need your SRVIS.
(Examples of SRVIS used in texting)
2. Hey, do you have any recommendations for a good SRVIS provider for my website?
(Examples of SRVIS used in texting)
3. I'm having trouble with my internet connection. I think I need to contact my SRVIS provider.
(Examples of SRVIS used in texting)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "srvis"

srvis :

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