Definition & Meaning of "N199312"

What does n199312 mean? View the definition of n199312 and all related slang terms containing n199312 below:

n199312 :
african american

Usage of N199312

The abbreviation N199312 is a code used to refer to African Americans. It is often used in situations where referring to someone's race is necessary, but using the term "Black" or "African American" may be considered impolite or insensitive. The code is made up of the letter "n" and the numbers "199312," with the numbers representing the year 1993, which is when the code was first used.

Examples of N199312 used in texting:

1. "I'm meeting up with my friend N199312 later. Do you want to come along?"
(Example of N199312 used to refer to a friend who is African American)

2. "The new hire in accounting is N199312. Have you had a chance to meet her yet?"
(Example of N199312 used to describe a new colleague who is African American)

3. "I saw a really interesting article about N199312 representation in the media. I'll send it to you."
(Example of N199312 used to refer to African Americans as a group)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "n199312"

n199312 :
african american

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