Definition & Meaning of "ASLRP"

What does aslrp mean? View the definition of aslrp and all related slang terms containing aslrp below:

aslrp :
age, sex, location, race, picture

Usage of ASLRP

The abbreviation ASLRP is often used in online chat rooms or dating apps to collect information about the person they are talking to. The letters stand for age, sex, location, race, and picture. Asking a person for this information can help you determine if they are someone you would like to talk to further or if they meet your preferences. While some people may willingly provide this information, others may find it invasive or uncomfortable.

Examples of ASLRP used in texting:

1. Hey, just wanted to ask your ASLRP before we chat any further.
(Example of ASLRP used to determine basic information before continuing conversation)

2. Sorry, I don't feel comfortable sharing my ASLRP with you just yet.
(Example of ASLRP used as a response indicating a lack of willingness to share personal information)

3. I don't think it's necessary for us to exchange ASLRP right away. Let's just talk and see if we have a connection first.
(Example of ASLRP used in response to someone requesting personal information)

Slang Terms & Acronyms containing "aslrp"

aslrp :
age, sex, location, race, picture

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